When she asked him where he was going he responded by telling her it’s a surprise.
Leaving the chains and locks behind, he picked up everything else and headed outside down to the cave under the rocks near the beach where he had photographed her on their first morning at the cottage.
Not caring about the fact that he was about to vandalise a natural cave, probably hundreds of years old, he got to work.
Using his own height as a guide to Kelly’s, he estimated the heights and distances apart to fix the rings to the back wall. He drilled sixteen holes in total, anchoring four screws tightly into the wall for each ring.
When he had finished, he pulled at each of the rings, confirming that they were not coming away from the wall without being unscrewed.
Back at the cottage Kelly asked him where he had been, to which he responded "I’ll exchange you that information for the combination to this."
The time was now almost five PM and Mack would be meeting them in the workshop at six thirty.
"Do you want to eat now or can you wait until later when you’ll have the use of your hands?" He asked.
"I think I’ll wait thanks then maybe I’ll drive us somewhere tonight if you wanted." She suggested.
Kelly looked through her clothes and picked out a cream long sleeved blouse with button up cuffs to hide her wrist manacles, a bra and her beige riding pants to wear later.
Joe wandered over to the distillery to find it in darkness. All he had to do now was to wait for Mack to arrive and turn on the workshop light.
They both sat looking at the workshop window from the cottage until a light came on.
Joe knocked on the door and Mack answered.
"Hello guys, how are you doing. I’ve been worrying about you my dear, how are you feeling?" Mack asked.
"I’m feeling great thanks." She told him.
"Come on in, let’s get those things off you, you must be going out of your mind by now." Mack said.
"No." Kelly replied, much to Mack’s amazement. "I’ve had the most amazing few days and I would like to keep them on please if that’s ok with you."
"Oh. Are you sure?" Mack asked.
"There is just one thing we need." Joe said, "Could you cut off the second chain link from the belt? Not the half link welded onto the belt but the next one so that you leave as much chain on the cuffs as you can, still allowing us to lock them back on the belt with padlocks."
"No problem. But are you sure about this?" Mack asked.
"Yes." Kelly insisted.
Mack did as requested and freed Kelly’s arms from behind her back for the first time in three days. It was such a relief.
Joe held her hands up in front of her stomach to assist her until she regained her own movement back in her shoulders.
They thanked Mack and headed back to the cottage.
Kelly put her arms around his waist and hugged him. "When do I get my surprise?" She asked.
"Let’s go out tonight; I’ll give you that tomorrow." He said smiling at her.
Kelly managed to keep her manacles and the remaining four inch chains covered inside the buttoned sleeves of her top as they ate in the restaurant, giving her the confidence that this will work.
Back at the cottage she removed her top and admired how solid Mack’s handy work was on her bracelets.
"Do you think I look like Wonder Woman in these?" She asked.
"You are Wonder Woman." He replied, kissing her.
Kelly warned him. "You’re going to have to sleep with one eye open tonight." She said, putting her arms around his neck.
Joe pulled her in closer to him and twisted the belt around so that the two welded loops set six inches apart, were now at her front.
He walked into the kitchen, picked up the two red padlocks, pocketed the keys and then walked back to Kelly. He hooked the padlocks through the loops, leaving them hanging open and put his arms around her waist.
"Really?" He said, smiling back at her.
Joe picked up the panty vibrator and the remote control. "Come on you need to get ready." He said.
He collected her special underwear with her shorts and passed them to her.
"You know what to do." He said.
She did as instructed, positioning the vibrator inside the gusset of her underwear and pulled up the shorts, ensuring the panty vibrator was pressed onto her clitoris.
She realised as she fastened the buttons that because the denim had been washed and dried on the hot radiator, the shorts had shrunk slightly making them tighter than before.
Joe fitted his leather belt through the loops of her shorts with the belt buckle behind her back.
"No prizes for guessing what happens to your wrists if you try anything like removing the vibrator." He told her.
"Or anything like this do you mean?" She answered, grabbing hold of his balls, hanging through the ring of his chastity device, with her left hand.
He looked at her in utter disbelief. "Exactly like that." He said. "I sometimes question your sanity." "Do you have to always be the bad girl?"
He took the padlock from the right side loop of her belt and treaded it through the half chain link that was welded to the cuff of her left wrist. Effectively missing the chain out completely, giving her no slack at all. He then locked her left wrist, across her stomach to the opposite right hand side loop of her steel waist belt.
He then repeated this, taking her right wrist and locking it to the left side loop on her belt with no slack, leaving the two redundant four inch chains hanging down below her belt on each side.
"Hey, not fair." She said, looking down at her arms now folded across her waist. "I can’t touch myself like this or even lay on my front to add any pressure to my vibrator."
"I’ll let you rest your crotch on my face if you let me remove this thing for the night." He said.
"No chance. A deal is a deal darling." She said.
He knew that he could still play his trump card and blackmail her by threatening to post online the video he had of her in the garage but he decided to go along with her game for now or at least until he had three hours alone time to break the combination.
He set the vibrator going and kept moving her and him into different positions so that he could put pressure on her crotch using various parts of his body like his hands, his knees and his face.
It took les than an hour before she was moaning during her first orgasm.
She wanted to stop there because she was shattered but Joe refused, saying "Four more to go before I get my prize honey."
He lay there with Kelly, playing with her nipples as the panty vibrator continued doing its work, until another orgasm came along.
"Three more." He said, brushing the sweat soaked hair out of her face.
"When are you going to give me my surprise?" She asked.
"Not until tomorrow. It’s outside." He told her.
"But it’s two AM in the morning." She told him "Technically it is tomorrow."
"It’s too dark. Let’s sleep first." He said.
Kelly woke Joe three hours later "Its light now, where’s my surprise?"
She kept rolling on top of him and kissing his ear, not letting him go back to sleep.
He gave in. "You’re like a child at Christmas!" "Is it not a little bit cold out there at the moment."
"It’s just morning freshness, I don’t mind." She insisted. "Come on let’s go!"
Joe released her wrists and she used the toilet.
He passed her the larger remote controlled vibrator with a blob of lube on it and helped her insert it before she pulled up her shorts again ensuring the panty vibrator was also in the correct place.
She buckled Joe’s brown leather belt at the front this time and tucked a white T-shirt underneath her metal waist belt.
Joe was already dressed and without Kelly seeing, he placed the four chains each one a meter long in a bag with all the padlocks.
Kelly’s arms were still free. He handed her the white cloak to keep her restraints hidden as they walked towards the rocky shore.
"Please tell me we’re going to the cave?" She asked with a look of delight on her face.
"You’ll have to wait darling, it’s a surprise."
She ran ahead of him all the way into the back of the cave and immediately noticed the four fixed rings, drilled and secured firmly into the rock against the back wall.
She felt a flutter from down below inside her. "OH MY GOD." She said.
She reached up and started pulling down hard on the two high rings, loving the feel of how firmly and securely fixed in place they were.
"Did you really do this for me?" She asked.
Joe joined her at the back of the cave and pulled out two padlocks from the bag. "Yes sweetie, you’re going to be that damsel in distress from your childhood fantasy."
Her eyes were fixed on the padlocks in his hand, now nervous about what he was about to do to her.
"Take off the cloak." He said.
She placed the cloak on the floor as he took her left wrist and threaded the padlock through the end link of the four inch chain.
He raised her arm up above her head and joined the chain to the fixed ring in the wall with an audible click as the lock snapped shut.
She allowed him to raise her other arm above her head, positioning her other wrist in place then, with a click, rendering her helpless as the second lock snapped shut.
"What do you think?" He asked, placing his hands on her ribcage and kissing her softly on the lips.
She was speechless. She looked above her head and tugged on the chains attaching her cuffs to the wall.
Her wrists were spread a comfortable two feet apart and high enough up to pull her arms almost straight.
He pulled out two chains from the bag, locked one end of the first chain around her left ankle and pulled her left leg out to the side towards one of the lower fixed rings.
He then took the second chain and locked it around her right ankle.
She didn’t fight him as he pulled her legs apart using the chains, causing her body to lower down slightly and then padlocked the chains to the remaining fixed wall rings.
Her arms were now completely straight with no slack in the chains. She held on through the wall rings with her stretched fingers to relieve the pressure on her wrists.
She stared at Joe in anticipation as he smiled back at her.
He turned on both vibrators and grabbed her arse with his hands, pulling his groin tight against her crotch.
He kissed her again and said "Do you want me to take an up to date photo of you in this cave?"
"Maybe not." she said.
He held up his phone and said "Say Help."
"Ok." He said picking up the cape and the bag. "I’m going back to bed. See you later."
"Joe, you can’t leave me here like this." She ordered.
He turned back to her saying "Have fun."
"Baby please don’t go." She shouted after him as he exited the cave. "What if somebody finds me in here?"
He could hear her but didn’t acknowledge her. He exited the cave and climbed up to a vantage point where he could hide on top of the rocks and just see Kelly through the long grass. He had a view of the whole area and would be able to run back to her if he suspected anybody getting close.
It was time to decode the combination lock.
He looked at his watch and started with all the zeros, counting up one increment at a time, pulling slightly at each new combination.
He noticed after about ten minutes how slack the lock became at Zero Six Six Eight and he knew he was close with three out of the four numbers.
After half an hour the lock went slack again as he reached One Six Six Eight and so he took a chance at changing the One to a Two and maybe three and so on but there was no need, the lock fell open, releasing the ring from around his balls.
He made a mental note Two Six Six Eight. Even if Kelly had given him the combination, it wouldn’t have worked as it would be the wrong way around from his perspective.
His elation was short lived as he carefully removed the banana shaped tube from his cock and looked in horror at his skin where the tube had been pressing against it.
The tube had not allowed any air flow and so his skin had remained wet for the whole duration and looked Prune like, as though it had been under water for days.
He was slightly worried but hoped it would return to normal over the next few hours.
He watched Kelly as she couldn’t keep still, all chained up in the cave. It was a beautiful sight he thought as he became aroused, cautiously observing the wet skin as his cock grew in size.
She kept repeating the same movement of arching her back away from the wall and pulling down on her wrist cuffs then she would lean back against the wall with her head down and bend her knees in to try and pull her legs together. The vibrators were obviously doing their job.
With the chastity device in hand and a beaming smile on his face, he walked back down to see Kelly in the cave.
"Hi baby." She said to him as she twisted her hips and knees once more, trying to close her legs.
"Look what I have." He replied holding the chastity device in front of her.
"Oh shit. How did you do that?" She asked.
"That’s my little secret." He told her.
She must be close to climaxing now he thought so he kissed her on the lips and looked her in the eyes.
"Two days I wore this thing. So I just came to tell you that I’m going to return the favour and keep you chained up in here for the next two days."
"You wouldn’t do that to me." She replied.
"Try me!" "I’m going to punish you properly this time. You need to learn who’s in charge." He told her.
There was a frightened look on her face as she felt her knees go weak and had to pull herself up with the chains on her wrists.
"WHAT?" She cried.
This tipped her over the edge. The thought of what he had just said sent her body into submission, allowing the vibrators to take over, causing an immediate orgasm.
"Oh god no." She moaned in ecstasy, thinking about being there overnight and not able to escape her own fantasy for the next two days.
"Please darling don’t do this to me." She pleaded through quick short breaths as she straightened her knees again, coming back from her planet Ecstasy.
Continuing to play with her mind, he said "Maybe longer if you refuse to accept your punishment."
He took a bunch of three keys out of his pocket and removed the chains from her legs allowing her to stand up straight and relieving the pressure on her wrists.
He took one of the chains and locked one end on to one of the loops of her steel belt.
"What are you doing?" She asked.
"Punishing you." He replied.
He then rotated her steel belt around so that the chain was behind her and passed the rest of the chain through her legs to the front, over her waist belt in the middle, back down through her legs again and up to the steel belt loop on the other side.
He pulled the chain tight into her crotch and locked it in place.
Joe was now fully back in charge again.
Time for a little revenge fun he thought.
"Now say thank you." He commanded.
"It’s a bit tight." She replied.
"That counts as a refusal to accept your punishment?" "THREE DAYS!" He shouted just to see the look on her face.
"WHAT?" She shouted. "Don’t be an arsehole!"
"JOE STOP THIS!" She told him.
"You’ve asked for it now lady. You just don’t know when to stop do you?" He told her.
Joe continued to tease her by taking out a few bunches of keys from his pocket and pretending to find the right set of keys for the padlock attaching her left wrist to the wall.
He had to pretend that some of the keys didn’t work but in reality he had bought six padlocks, all keyed alike which came with three keys each. Therefore he had thirty six keys which were all the same so he could afford to play this game with her.
He clicked the padlock open momentarily and snapped it shut again.
"These are the keys for that lock." He said putting them on the ground in front of her, out of reach of her feet. He then did the same, pretending to look for the correct key for the lock on her other wrist and repeated "And these are the keys for that one." Again, placing them on the ground with the other set.
He put the rest of the keys in his pocket and walked out of the cave. He returned a few seconds later with a large smooth rounded pebble from the beech.
"You made me do this." He said as he smashed the rock into one set of keys three times, absolutely destroying them.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" She shouted.
He did exactly the same with the other set of keys and then looked at the expression on her face.
"Darling, what the fuck are you doing?" She asked with a quiver in her voice.
He picked up her cloak and hung the hood on the back of her head with the cloak between her and the cave wall. He then turned to walk away.
"I’ll be back in six hours with some lunch and I don’t want to hear any more complaining from you. Do you understand?" He said, delighted with her reaction to his little game.
Kelly was shocked.
The vibrations were still going on inside her.
She was now so scared, thinking that the only keys to her freedom had been destroyed and she could only blame herself.
She could see Joe in the distance walking back to the cottage.
As he went out of sight of the cave, he immediately turned around and took a different route back towards it, giggling to himself. So proud of his antics of messing with her mind.
"Hi sweetie." He said.
"Joe?" She said, "Darling, I’ll beg you if you want, please." "I’ll give you anything." "I’ll do anything you want. Please Joe. Please."
He put his hands on her arse and pulled her towards him. He kissed her properly and then said "You’ll give me anything I want?"
"Anything." She replied.
He squeezed her arse cheeks again and told her "I want this."
She looked him in the eye and said "I love you Joe. Please don’t leave me like this." "Take me back to the cottage and do anything you want to me but please get me down from here, my arms are killing me."
He took one bunch of keys out of his pocket and said "Anything I want?"
"Anything." She replied.
He reached up released her right wrist.
She had a look of confusion on her face as he then used the same key to release her other wrist.
She let out a huge sigh of relief as she lowered her arms.
He hugged her and then squeezing her arse cheeks again "I think I’ve earned this don’t you?" He reminded her.
"Yes darling, I believe you have."
He kept her arms free and fastened the cloak around her neck as they walked back to the cottage.
Joe confessed to never intending on leaving her for any longer than he did and that it was all a joke to play with her mind.
Her relief outweighed any anger but allowed her to confirm the reality of Joe having a soft touch towards her.
Back in the bedroom he couldn’t wait any longer. He felt so aroused. He checked the skin on his cock and thankfully all seemed back to normal.
"Two days I’ve been waiting for this." He told her.
"How do you want me?" She asked after she had stripped naked.
"Bent over the end of the bed and begging me." He replied.
She knelt down and did as he asked.
With the tube of lubricant in his hand he approached her from behind, knelt down and stroked his prize. He kissed the back of her neck and sniffed his way down to her arse then kissed each cheek.
It had only been two days but he thought he was going to explode as his heart pounded more and more blood into his pulsing cock.
"I want you to beg and make it sound convincing like you really want this remember." He said, reminding her of the earlier deal.
"You know that you could still earn this legitimately by being on just one knee." She reminded him.
Fuck it he thought, they are only words and it’s only like role playing. I’ll give her what she wants.
He lifted one knee off the floor.
"Kelly." He began. "You are the most amazing woman I could ever dream of being with. I love you more than you will ever be able to imagine and I want to be with you for the rest of my life."
He squeezed some lubricant onto his fingers and spread it on and around her arse hole.
"Will you marry me?" He said.
"YES DARLING YES." She shouted. "Now do it to me." "Give me all you’ve got baby." "Don’t hold back, It’s all yours." "Forever."
Joe entered her slowly. It was a tight enough fit but exactly what he had expected. He slowly pumped in and out of her, holding on to her waist belt as he did.
"How does it feel?" He asked.
Kelly had now given up on the ‘begging for it’ act. "It feels like one of my patients at the hospital once described to me the symptoms of having a Tape worm inside them." She joked.
"Fuck you Kell." "I’m enjoying this." "I don’t think it’s going to take me long though babes, I’m almost there."
He groaned and tried to slow down his pushing in and out but couldn’t hold back.
Seconds later he pushed himself all the way inside her and held it there until his balls finished pumping into her.
He then rested on her back for a few seconds, breathing heavily before he pulled out and dragged her on to the bed next to him where they kissed each other like it was their last day on Earth.
They lay together on the bed. Kelly spoke first. "So Fiancé, let’s talk about where we’re going to live."
He smiled back at her "The deal was that you say no to my proposal."
"No chance. You’re a keeper." She told him.
Later he asked "Ok then, where should we live?"
She whispered into his ear "In a big castle with a dungeon."
He smiled. "I meant geographically which city." "Although now that you mention it, a castle sounds good." He said. "We may have to start with just the dungeon first?"
She kissed him and played with his hair for a few moments then said "Darling, can I ask you something else?"
"Of course." He replied.
"How would you feel about owning me?" She asked.
"How do you mean owning you?" He replied.
"Make me yours." She said. "Keep me. I can do anything you want." "I already work hard to please others but to be kept by you and have pleasing you as my only goal in life would be the best thing ever." "Better than working. I know we wouldn’t have loads of money but I could make it worth your while."
He looked at her. "I’m liking what you’re saying. Keep talking." He said.
"You would obviously have to keep me in line and punish me whenever I overstep the mark. Just try not to hurt me too much." "You know how I like to be chained up, I could be your stay at home slave girl if that’s how you want to put it." "What do you think?" She asked.
"Wow." He said. "Yes, yes and yes."
"If we both lived around here." He suggested. "We could make movies for a living with Bruno if you wanted to." "Then we’d have money."
"Darling I’ll do anything you want me to. Just teach me how you want me to do it." I’ll be your bitch and you can be my master." She said.
"I’m not too keen on bitch and master. How about slave girl or maybe just girl?" He thought out loud. "I know, how about you being my lady? Yes, Lady Kell."
Kelly cut him off by saying "And you can be my Lord. Lord Joe?"
"Lord Joe and lady Kell?" "Yes. I like the sound of that."
"So if ever I say to you ‘Lady Kell’ you have to stop what you are doing and kneel down, facing me with your hands on your head. Ok?"
"Yes my Lord." She smiled.
He tried it out, "Erm. Lady Kell."
Kelly rolled off the bed and knelt on the floor facing him with her hands on her head.
"Ok, let’s try it with your hands on your knees."
She lowered her hands and rested them on her knees.
"How about behind your back?"
She moved her hands behind her back.
"Yes that’s it." He said. "That’s your sitting to attention position. This is how I want you to be whenever I address you as Lady Kell. Ok?"
"Yes Lord Joe." She replied, loving the moment. "And what happens to me if I don’t?"
"Well you can start by cleaning Lord Joe’s cock with your lips then clean your teeth." "In the meantime I’ll prepare a punishment demonstration for you." He told her.
She obliged.
He stood up and picked up one of the meter long chains and two padlocks.
He then locked one end of the chain to her wrist cuff chain and threw the loose end over the wooden beam in the middle of the lounge.
She didn’t resist as he lifted her arms above her head and locked her other wrist cuff to the free end of the chain.
Kelly became aroused as she once again stood naked with her arms chained over her head, awaiting his next move.
He picked up his leather belt from around her shorts on the floor and held it in front of her face. He then rubbed it across her arse cheeks then held it back up to her face. Holding her jaw with his empty hand and looking her in the eyes he said "Understand?"
Kelly had never tried spanking or had a real whipping before and felt ready to try it with her new owner.
He placed the belt back on the floor and stood up in front of her.
"What are you doing?" She asked.
"This is just a demonstration, I’m not really going to hit you."
"But I want you to." She told him.
"I can’t. You haven’t done anything wrong."
"Please darling, I just want to feel what it’s like."
He smiled, kissed her and reaching up with the keys, he released the padlock from one wrist, catching the chain as it drew back over the beam.
"Let’s have a practice shall we?" He said.
"Lady Kell." He pointed at the floor, meaning for her to assume the position.
"Fuck you lord Joe penis breath!" She said with a smile on her face.
He shook his head and let out a sigh, "You are so childish." He said, taking hold of the chain and throwing it back over the beam.
Kelly held her wrists up again for him to re-lock them in position over her head.
He snapped the padlock shut and picked up the leather belt. "Just the one then, to see what it feels like ok?"
"Ok." She agreed.
She kept her eyes on him as he held onto the belt buckle and took a swing. It landed firmly across the full width of her arse shocking the hell out of her, with a loud slap/crack noise.
"FUCK." She shouted stepping forward.
He felt guilty. "Was that too hard?" He asked.
"No babes that was ok." She told him. "In fact, did I say Lord Joe penis breath? I meant lord Joe arsehole breath."
He smiled at her, drew his arm back and swung again.
Another slapping sound filled the room.
"FUCKING HELL." She screamed.
"Lord Joe the small penis!" She said.
Another slap.
"Lord Joe seems to be limp wristed if he thinks this is a punishment." She said.
"Aaahhh FUCK!" She shouted, dancing on the spot on her tip toes, trying to get her legs away, clenching her arse cheeks tightly together.
She could feel all of the muscles in her groin area twitching rapidly as she tensed up. It felt like her whole vagina and sphincter were being sent electric shocks from her brain to say get out of the way of that belt.
"Have you had enough yet?" He asked.
She ignored the electricity inside her, pulled down on her wrist cuffs and said "No Tapeworm dick."
He swung again, hitting her in the same place.
"AAWWW FUCK. FUCK." She screamed, letting out some sort of liquid from below.
Through heavy breaths she said "Baby. In this initial period of us learning and drawing up our boundaries for the future, I need to tell you that lady Kell needs Lord Joe inside her right now!"
He dropped the belt immediately.
"I agree. The lady has received enough punishment and needs some love juice medicine inside her." He joked.
"You really turn me on." He said, taking hold of her buttocks.
They made love standing there and were both soon together in heaven again.
He released one of her wrists leaving the chain attached to her right hand cuff.
They both rubbed and inspected her back side for injuries.
"Can we do that again?" She asked.
Joe smiled. "We need to eat." He said, then held his hand out to take hold of her right wrist, "Here, let me remove that chain for you."
"No, that’s ok, you can leave it attached thanks." She replied.
After eating they discussed engagement rings and the practicality’s of living together logistically.
Joe could live and work anywhere, as could Kelly. They also had no commitments at home or at work.
They were also still on the run from Jonesy the drug dealer and so taking that into account they agreed to speak to Bruno about making more movies to earn enough money to stay up in Scotland until they are ready to move on.
"I’ll find somewhere special for us to live. Somewhere like this, no neighbours with white washed stone walls and a basement cellar." He said.
She winked at him but her thoughts were somewhere else. "How much do you think Mack would charge for a matching collar and ankle cuffs?" She asked.
"Bloody hell sweetie. That will look great in our movies; you’ll be an internet sensation overnight." He said as he cuddled her.
This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:
Leaving the chains and locks behind, he picked up everything else and headed outside down to the cave under the rocks near the beach where he had photographed her on their first morning at the cottage.
Not caring about the fact that he was about to vandalise a natural cave, probably hundreds of years old, he got to work.
Using his own height as a guide to Kelly’s, he estimated the heights and distances apart to fix the rings to the back wall. He drilled sixteen holes in total, anchoring four screws tightly into the wall for each ring.
When he had finished, he pulled at each of the rings, confirming that they were not coming away from the wall without being unscrewed.
Back at the cottage Kelly asked him where he had been, to which he responded "I’ll exchange you that information for the combination to this."
The time was now almost five PM and Mack would be meeting them in the workshop at six thirty.
"Do you want to eat now or can you wait until later when you’ll have the use of your hands?" He asked.
"I think I’ll wait thanks then maybe I’ll drive us somewhere tonight if you wanted." She suggested.
Kelly looked through her clothes and picked out a cream long sleeved blouse with button up cuffs to hide her wrist manacles, a bra and her beige riding pants to wear later.
Joe wandered over to the distillery to find it in darkness. All he had to do now was to wait for Mack to arrive and turn on the workshop light.
They both sat looking at the workshop window from the cottage until a light came on.
Joe knocked on the door and Mack answered.
"Hello guys, how are you doing. I’ve been worrying about you my dear, how are you feeling?" Mack asked.
"I’m feeling great thanks." She told him.
"Come on in, let’s get those things off you, you must be going out of your mind by now." Mack said.
"No." Kelly replied, much to Mack’s amazement. "I’ve had the most amazing few days and I would like to keep them on please if that’s ok with you."
"Oh. Are you sure?" Mack asked.
"There is just one thing we need." Joe said, "Could you cut off the second chain link from the belt? Not the half link welded onto the belt but the next one so that you leave as much chain on the cuffs as you can, still allowing us to lock them back on the belt with padlocks."
"No problem. But are you sure about this?" Mack asked.
"Yes." Kelly insisted.
Mack did as requested and freed Kelly’s arms from behind her back for the first time in three days. It was such a relief.
Joe held her hands up in front of her stomach to assist her until she regained her own movement back in her shoulders.
They thanked Mack and headed back to the cottage.
Kelly put her arms around his waist and hugged him. "When do I get my surprise?" She asked.
"Let’s go out tonight; I’ll give you that tomorrow." He said smiling at her.
Kelly managed to keep her manacles and the remaining four inch chains covered inside the buttoned sleeves of her top as they ate in the restaurant, giving her the confidence that this will work.
Back at the cottage she removed her top and admired how solid Mack’s handy work was on her bracelets.
"Do you think I look like Wonder Woman in these?" She asked.
"You are Wonder Woman." He replied, kissing her.
Kelly warned him. "You’re going to have to sleep with one eye open tonight." She said, putting her arms around his neck.
Joe pulled her in closer to him and twisted the belt around so that the two welded loops set six inches apart, were now at her front.
He walked into the kitchen, picked up the two red padlocks, pocketed the keys and then walked back to Kelly. He hooked the padlocks through the loops, leaving them hanging open and put his arms around her waist.
"Really?" He said, smiling back at her.
Joe picked up the panty vibrator and the remote control. "Come on you need to get ready." He said.
He collected her special underwear with her shorts and passed them to her.
"You know what to do." He said.
She did as instructed, positioning the vibrator inside the gusset of her underwear and pulled up the shorts, ensuring the panty vibrator was pressed onto her clitoris.
She realised as she fastened the buttons that because the denim had been washed and dried on the hot radiator, the shorts had shrunk slightly making them tighter than before.
Joe fitted his leather belt through the loops of her shorts with the belt buckle behind her back.
"No prizes for guessing what happens to your wrists if you try anything like removing the vibrator." He told her.
"Or anything like this do you mean?" She answered, grabbing hold of his balls, hanging through the ring of his chastity device, with her left hand.
He looked at her in utter disbelief. "Exactly like that." He said. "I sometimes question your sanity." "Do you have to always be the bad girl?"
He took the padlock from the right side loop of her belt and treaded it through the half chain link that was welded to the cuff of her left wrist. Effectively missing the chain out completely, giving her no slack at all. He then locked her left wrist, across her stomach to the opposite right hand side loop of her steel waist belt.
He then repeated this, taking her right wrist and locking it to the left side loop on her belt with no slack, leaving the two redundant four inch chains hanging down below her belt on each side.
"Hey, not fair." She said, looking down at her arms now folded across her waist. "I can’t touch myself like this or even lay on my front to add any pressure to my vibrator."
"I’ll let you rest your crotch on my face if you let me remove this thing for the night." He said.
"No chance. A deal is a deal darling." She said.
He knew that he could still play his trump card and blackmail her by threatening to post online the video he had of her in the garage but he decided to go along with her game for now or at least until he had three hours alone time to break the combination.
He set the vibrator going and kept moving her and him into different positions so that he could put pressure on her crotch using various parts of his body like his hands, his knees and his face.
It took les than an hour before she was moaning during her first orgasm.
She wanted to stop there because she was shattered but Joe refused, saying "Four more to go before I get my prize honey."
He lay there with Kelly, playing with her nipples as the panty vibrator continued doing its work, until another orgasm came along.
"Three more." He said, brushing the sweat soaked hair out of her face.
"When are you going to give me my surprise?" She asked.
"Not until tomorrow. It’s outside." He told her.
"But it’s two AM in the morning." She told him "Technically it is tomorrow."
"It’s too dark. Let’s sleep first." He said.
Kelly woke Joe three hours later "Its light now, where’s my surprise?"
She kept rolling on top of him and kissing his ear, not letting him go back to sleep.
He gave in. "You’re like a child at Christmas!" "Is it not a little bit cold out there at the moment."
"It’s just morning freshness, I don’t mind." She insisted. "Come on let’s go!"
Joe released her wrists and she used the toilet.
He passed her the larger remote controlled vibrator with a blob of lube on it and helped her insert it before she pulled up her shorts again ensuring the panty vibrator was also in the correct place.
She buckled Joe’s brown leather belt at the front this time and tucked a white T-shirt underneath her metal waist belt.
Joe was already dressed and without Kelly seeing, he placed the four chains each one a meter long in a bag with all the padlocks.
Kelly’s arms were still free. He handed her the white cloak to keep her restraints hidden as they walked towards the rocky shore.
"Please tell me we’re going to the cave?" She asked with a look of delight on her face.
"You’ll have to wait darling, it’s a surprise."
She ran ahead of him all the way into the back of the cave and immediately noticed the four fixed rings, drilled and secured firmly into the rock against the back wall.
She felt a flutter from down below inside her. "OH MY GOD." She said.
She reached up and started pulling down hard on the two high rings, loving the feel of how firmly and securely fixed in place they were.
"Did you really do this for me?" She asked.
Joe joined her at the back of the cave and pulled out two padlocks from the bag. "Yes sweetie, you’re going to be that damsel in distress from your childhood fantasy."
Her eyes were fixed on the padlocks in his hand, now nervous about what he was about to do to her.
"Take off the cloak." He said.
She placed the cloak on the floor as he took her left wrist and threaded the padlock through the end link of the four inch chain.
He raised her arm up above her head and joined the chain to the fixed ring in the wall with an audible click as the lock snapped shut.
She allowed him to raise her other arm above her head, positioning her other wrist in place then, with a click, rendering her helpless as the second lock snapped shut.
"What do you think?" He asked, placing his hands on her ribcage and kissing her softly on the lips.
She was speechless. She looked above her head and tugged on the chains attaching her cuffs to the wall.
Her wrists were spread a comfortable two feet apart and high enough up to pull her arms almost straight.
He pulled out two chains from the bag, locked one end of the first chain around her left ankle and pulled her left leg out to the side towards one of the lower fixed rings.
He then took the second chain and locked it around her right ankle.
She didn’t fight him as he pulled her legs apart using the chains, causing her body to lower down slightly and then padlocked the chains to the remaining fixed wall rings.
Her arms were now completely straight with no slack in the chains. She held on through the wall rings with her stretched fingers to relieve the pressure on her wrists.
She stared at Joe in anticipation as he smiled back at her.
He turned on both vibrators and grabbed her arse with his hands, pulling his groin tight against her crotch.
He kissed her again and said "Do you want me to take an up to date photo of you in this cave?"
"Maybe not." she said.
He held up his phone and said "Say Help."
"Ok." He said picking up the cape and the bag. "I’m going back to bed. See you later."
"Joe, you can’t leave me here like this." She ordered.
He turned back to her saying "Have fun."
"Baby please don’t go." She shouted after him as he exited the cave. "What if somebody finds me in here?"
He could hear her but didn’t acknowledge her. He exited the cave and climbed up to a vantage point where he could hide on top of the rocks and just see Kelly through the long grass. He had a view of the whole area and would be able to run back to her if he suspected anybody getting close.
It was time to decode the combination lock.
He looked at his watch and started with all the zeros, counting up one increment at a time, pulling slightly at each new combination.
He noticed after about ten minutes how slack the lock became at Zero Six Six Eight and he knew he was close with three out of the four numbers.
After half an hour the lock went slack again as he reached One Six Six Eight and so he took a chance at changing the One to a Two and maybe three and so on but there was no need, the lock fell open, releasing the ring from around his balls.
He made a mental note Two Six Six Eight. Even if Kelly had given him the combination, it wouldn’t have worked as it would be the wrong way around from his perspective.
His elation was short lived as he carefully removed the banana shaped tube from his cock and looked in horror at his skin where the tube had been pressing against it.
The tube had not allowed any air flow and so his skin had remained wet for the whole duration and looked Prune like, as though it had been under water for days.
He was slightly worried but hoped it would return to normal over the next few hours.
He watched Kelly as she couldn’t keep still, all chained up in the cave. It was a beautiful sight he thought as he became aroused, cautiously observing the wet skin as his cock grew in size.
She kept repeating the same movement of arching her back away from the wall and pulling down on her wrist cuffs then she would lean back against the wall with her head down and bend her knees in to try and pull her legs together. The vibrators were obviously doing their job.
With the chastity device in hand and a beaming smile on his face, he walked back down to see Kelly in the cave.
"Hi baby." She said to him as she twisted her hips and knees once more, trying to close her legs.
"Look what I have." He replied holding the chastity device in front of her.
"Oh shit. How did you do that?" She asked.
"That’s my little secret." He told her.
She must be close to climaxing now he thought so he kissed her on the lips and looked her in the eyes.
"Two days I wore this thing. So I just came to tell you that I’m going to return the favour and keep you chained up in here for the next two days."
"You wouldn’t do that to me." She replied.
"Try me!" "I’m going to punish you properly this time. You need to learn who’s in charge." He told her.
There was a frightened look on her face as she felt her knees go weak and had to pull herself up with the chains on her wrists.
"WHAT?" She cried.
This tipped her over the edge. The thought of what he had just said sent her body into submission, allowing the vibrators to take over, causing an immediate orgasm.
"Oh god no." She moaned in ecstasy, thinking about being there overnight and not able to escape her own fantasy for the next two days.
"Please darling don’t do this to me." She pleaded through quick short breaths as she straightened her knees again, coming back from her planet Ecstasy.
Continuing to play with her mind, he said "Maybe longer if you refuse to accept your punishment."
He took a bunch of three keys out of his pocket and removed the chains from her legs allowing her to stand up straight and relieving the pressure on her wrists.
He took one of the chains and locked one end on to one of the loops of her steel belt.
"What are you doing?" She asked.
"Punishing you." He replied.
He then rotated her steel belt around so that the chain was behind her and passed the rest of the chain through her legs to the front, over her waist belt in the middle, back down through her legs again and up to the steel belt loop on the other side.
He pulled the chain tight into her crotch and locked it in place.
Joe was now fully back in charge again.
Time for a little revenge fun he thought.
"Now say thank you." He commanded.
"It’s a bit tight." She replied.
"That counts as a refusal to accept your punishment?" "THREE DAYS!" He shouted just to see the look on her face.
"WHAT?" She shouted. "Don’t be an arsehole!"
"JOE STOP THIS!" She told him.
"You’ve asked for it now lady. You just don’t know when to stop do you?" He told her.
Joe continued to tease her by taking out a few bunches of keys from his pocket and pretending to find the right set of keys for the padlock attaching her left wrist to the wall.
He had to pretend that some of the keys didn’t work but in reality he had bought six padlocks, all keyed alike which came with three keys each. Therefore he had thirty six keys which were all the same so he could afford to play this game with her.
He clicked the padlock open momentarily and snapped it shut again.
"These are the keys for that lock." He said putting them on the ground in front of her, out of reach of her feet. He then did the same, pretending to look for the correct key for the lock on her other wrist and repeated "And these are the keys for that one." Again, placing them on the ground with the other set.
He put the rest of the keys in his pocket and walked out of the cave. He returned a few seconds later with a large smooth rounded pebble from the beech.
"You made me do this." He said as he smashed the rock into one set of keys three times, absolutely destroying them.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" She shouted.
He did exactly the same with the other set of keys and then looked at the expression on her face.
"Darling, what the fuck are you doing?" She asked with a quiver in her voice.
He picked up her cloak and hung the hood on the back of her head with the cloak between her and the cave wall. He then turned to walk away.
"I’ll be back in six hours with some lunch and I don’t want to hear any more complaining from you. Do you understand?" He said, delighted with her reaction to his little game.
Kelly was shocked.
The vibrations were still going on inside her.
She was now so scared, thinking that the only keys to her freedom had been destroyed and she could only blame herself.
She could see Joe in the distance walking back to the cottage.
As he went out of sight of the cave, he immediately turned around and took a different route back towards it, giggling to himself. So proud of his antics of messing with her mind.
"Hi sweetie." He said.
"Joe?" She said, "Darling, I’ll beg you if you want, please." "I’ll give you anything." "I’ll do anything you want. Please Joe. Please."
He put his hands on her arse and pulled her towards him. He kissed her properly and then said "You’ll give me anything I want?"
"Anything." She replied.
He squeezed her arse cheeks again and told her "I want this."
She looked him in the eye and said "I love you Joe. Please don’t leave me like this." "Take me back to the cottage and do anything you want to me but please get me down from here, my arms are killing me."
He took one bunch of keys out of his pocket and said "Anything I want?"
"Anything." She replied.
He reached up released her right wrist.
She had a look of confusion on her face as he then used the same key to release her other wrist.
She let out a huge sigh of relief as she lowered her arms.
He hugged her and then squeezing her arse cheeks again "I think I’ve earned this don’t you?" He reminded her.
"Yes darling, I believe you have."
He kept her arms free and fastened the cloak around her neck as they walked back to the cottage.
Joe confessed to never intending on leaving her for any longer than he did and that it was all a joke to play with her mind.
Her relief outweighed any anger but allowed her to confirm the reality of Joe having a soft touch towards her.
Back in the bedroom he couldn’t wait any longer. He felt so aroused. He checked the skin on his cock and thankfully all seemed back to normal.
"Two days I’ve been waiting for this." He told her.
"How do you want me?" She asked after she had stripped naked.
"Bent over the end of the bed and begging me." He replied.
She knelt down and did as he asked.
With the tube of lubricant in his hand he approached her from behind, knelt down and stroked his prize. He kissed the back of her neck and sniffed his way down to her arse then kissed each cheek.
It had only been two days but he thought he was going to explode as his heart pounded more and more blood into his pulsing cock.
"I want you to beg and make it sound convincing like you really want this remember." He said, reminding her of the earlier deal.
"You know that you could still earn this legitimately by being on just one knee." She reminded him.
Fuck it he thought, they are only words and it’s only like role playing. I’ll give her what she wants.
He lifted one knee off the floor.
"Kelly." He began. "You are the most amazing woman I could ever dream of being with. I love you more than you will ever be able to imagine and I want to be with you for the rest of my life."
He squeezed some lubricant onto his fingers and spread it on and around her arse hole.
"Will you marry me?" He said.
"YES DARLING YES." She shouted. "Now do it to me." "Give me all you’ve got baby." "Don’t hold back, It’s all yours." "Forever."
Joe entered her slowly. It was a tight enough fit but exactly what he had expected. He slowly pumped in and out of her, holding on to her waist belt as he did.
"How does it feel?" He asked.
Kelly had now given up on the ‘begging for it’ act. "It feels like one of my patients at the hospital once described to me the symptoms of having a Tape worm inside them." She joked.
"Fuck you Kell." "I’m enjoying this." "I don’t think it’s going to take me long though babes, I’m almost there."
He groaned and tried to slow down his pushing in and out but couldn’t hold back.
Seconds later he pushed himself all the way inside her and held it there until his balls finished pumping into her.
He then rested on her back for a few seconds, breathing heavily before he pulled out and dragged her on to the bed next to him where they kissed each other like it was their last day on Earth.
They lay together on the bed. Kelly spoke first. "So Fiancé, let’s talk about where we’re going to live."
He smiled back at her "The deal was that you say no to my proposal."
"No chance. You’re a keeper." She told him.
Later he asked "Ok then, where should we live?"
She whispered into his ear "In a big castle with a dungeon."
He smiled. "I meant geographically which city." "Although now that you mention it, a castle sounds good." He said. "We may have to start with just the dungeon first?"
She kissed him and played with his hair for a few moments then said "Darling, can I ask you something else?"
"Of course." He replied.
"How would you feel about owning me?" She asked.
"How do you mean owning you?" He replied.
"Make me yours." She said. "Keep me. I can do anything you want." "I already work hard to please others but to be kept by you and have pleasing you as my only goal in life would be the best thing ever." "Better than working. I know we wouldn’t have loads of money but I could make it worth your while."
He looked at her. "I’m liking what you’re saying. Keep talking." He said.
"You would obviously have to keep me in line and punish me whenever I overstep the mark. Just try not to hurt me too much." "You know how I like to be chained up, I could be your stay at home slave girl if that’s how you want to put it." "What do you think?" She asked.
"Wow." He said. "Yes, yes and yes."
"If we both lived around here." He suggested. "We could make movies for a living with Bruno if you wanted to." "Then we’d have money."
"Darling I’ll do anything you want me to. Just teach me how you want me to do it." I’ll be your bitch and you can be my master." She said.
"I’m not too keen on bitch and master. How about slave girl or maybe just girl?" He thought out loud. "I know, how about you being my lady? Yes, Lady Kell."
Kelly cut him off by saying "And you can be my Lord. Lord Joe?"
"Lord Joe and lady Kell?" "Yes. I like the sound of that."
"So if ever I say to you ‘Lady Kell’ you have to stop what you are doing and kneel down, facing me with your hands on your head. Ok?"
"Yes my Lord." She smiled.
He tried it out, "Erm. Lady Kell."
Kelly rolled off the bed and knelt on the floor facing him with her hands on her head.
"Ok, let’s try it with your hands on your knees."
She lowered her hands and rested them on her knees.
"How about behind your back?"
She moved her hands behind her back.
"Yes that’s it." He said. "That’s your sitting to attention position. This is how I want you to be whenever I address you as Lady Kell. Ok?"
"Yes Lord Joe." She replied, loving the moment. "And what happens to me if I don’t?"
"Well you can start by cleaning Lord Joe’s cock with your lips then clean your teeth." "In the meantime I’ll prepare a punishment demonstration for you." He told her.
She obliged.
He stood up and picked up one of the meter long chains and two padlocks.
He then locked one end of the chain to her wrist cuff chain and threw the loose end over the wooden beam in the middle of the lounge.
She didn’t resist as he lifted her arms above her head and locked her other wrist cuff to the free end of the chain.
Kelly became aroused as she once again stood naked with her arms chained over her head, awaiting his next move.
He picked up his leather belt from around her shorts on the floor and held it in front of her face. He then rubbed it across her arse cheeks then held it back up to her face. Holding her jaw with his empty hand and looking her in the eyes he said "Understand?"
Kelly had never tried spanking or had a real whipping before and felt ready to try it with her new owner.
He placed the belt back on the floor and stood up in front of her.
"What are you doing?" She asked.
"This is just a demonstration, I’m not really going to hit you."
"But I want you to." She told him.
"I can’t. You haven’t done anything wrong."
"Please darling, I just want to feel what it’s like."
He smiled, kissed her and reaching up with the keys, he released the padlock from one wrist, catching the chain as it drew back over the beam.
"Let’s have a practice shall we?" He said.
"Lady Kell." He pointed at the floor, meaning for her to assume the position.
"Fuck you lord Joe penis breath!" She said with a smile on her face.
He shook his head and let out a sigh, "You are so childish." He said, taking hold of the chain and throwing it back over the beam.
Kelly held her wrists up again for him to re-lock them in position over her head.
He snapped the padlock shut and picked up the leather belt. "Just the one then, to see what it feels like ok?"
"Ok." She agreed.
She kept her eyes on him as he held onto the belt buckle and took a swing. It landed firmly across the full width of her arse shocking the hell out of her, with a loud slap/crack noise.
"FUCK." She shouted stepping forward.
He felt guilty. "Was that too hard?" He asked.
"No babes that was ok." She told him. "In fact, did I say Lord Joe penis breath? I meant lord Joe arsehole breath."
He smiled at her, drew his arm back and swung again.
Another slapping sound filled the room.
"FUCKING HELL." She screamed.
"Lord Joe the small penis!" She said.
Another slap.
"Lord Joe seems to be limp wristed if he thinks this is a punishment." She said.
"Aaahhh FUCK!" She shouted, dancing on the spot on her tip toes, trying to get her legs away, clenching her arse cheeks tightly together.
She could feel all of the muscles in her groin area twitching rapidly as she tensed up. It felt like her whole vagina and sphincter were being sent electric shocks from her brain to say get out of the way of that belt.
"Have you had enough yet?" He asked.
She ignored the electricity inside her, pulled down on her wrist cuffs and said "No Tapeworm dick."
He swung again, hitting her in the same place.
"AAWWW FUCK. FUCK." She screamed, letting out some sort of liquid from below.
Through heavy breaths she said "Baby. In this initial period of us learning and drawing up our boundaries for the future, I need to tell you that lady Kell needs Lord Joe inside her right now!"
He dropped the belt immediately.
"I agree. The lady has received enough punishment and needs some love juice medicine inside her." He joked.
"You really turn me on." He said, taking hold of her buttocks.
They made love standing there and were both soon together in heaven again.
He released one of her wrists leaving the chain attached to her right hand cuff.
They both rubbed and inspected her back side for injuries.
"Can we do that again?" She asked.
Joe smiled. "We need to eat." He said, then held his hand out to take hold of her right wrist, "Here, let me remove that chain for you."
"No, that’s ok, you can leave it attached thanks." She replied.
After eating they discussed engagement rings and the practicality’s of living together logistically.
Joe could live and work anywhere, as could Kelly. They also had no commitments at home or at work.
They were also still on the run from Jonesy the drug dealer and so taking that into account they agreed to speak to Bruno about making more movies to earn enough money to stay up in Scotland until they are ready to move on.
"I’ll find somewhere special for us to live. Somewhere like this, no neighbours with white washed stone walls and a basement cellar." He said.
She winked at him but her thoughts were somewhere else. "How much do you think Mack would charge for a matching collar and ankle cuffs?" She asked.
"Bloody hell sweetie. That will look great in our movies; you’ll be an internet sensation overnight." He said as he cuddled her.
This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: